
You know that situation where you think your relationship is going well then one day your significant other disappears and when you try to figure out what happened you can’t tell if you’ve been ghosted or have to save all of humanity?

This graphic novel is about that.


Vali Chandrasekaran, Writer

Vali has written for MODERN FAMILY, 30 ROCK and MY NAME IS EARL. His work has been nominated for several Emmys, Writer’s Guild Awards and NAACP Image awards.  He lives in Los Angeles with his wife and twin preschoolers.

@therealvali on Instagram and Twitter


Jun-Pierre Shiozawa, Artist

Jun-Pierre is a painter, illustrator and was a faculty member at the Aegean Center For Fine Arts. He created the graphic short stories KO-ICHI & YVONNE-MARIE and MNEMOSYNE. He lives in Nice, France with with his wife and young daughter.

@junpierre on Instagram and Twitter


We can be contacted at geniusanimals [at] gmail.

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